In May 2016, local media in Tarapoto, San Martin, began reporting on a strange incident unfolding at an otherwise unnoteworthy school named Colegio Elsa Perea Flores Since April 29, at least 75 students and two teachers have...
Located in Southern Peru, Ayacucho is often hailed as a one of a kind destination, effortlessly combining the colors, the history and the adventure that so many travelers revel in on their journey through Peru Whether you choose...
A guest post by Wendell Lewis Wendell is a good friend of mine who has an honest and informative way of talking about ayahuasca This post was originally part of an email exchange between us, which Wendell gave me permission to...
A guest post Andrew Kolasinski Long before the first Europeans set foot on Peruvian beaches, local people had been harvesting the Pacific Ocean using ingenious boats constructed from readily available materials This...
Most people are familiar with the well-trodden gringo trail, but have you heard of Chachapoyas This town in the Amazonas region of northern Peru is an amazing off-the-beaten-track destination for tourists and truly Peru's best...