Arequipa Bus Guide

Discover all of the information you need to know about buses to and from Arequipa including Bus routes, the Best Bus Companies to take and more below with our helpful guide  Buses from Arequipa operate in all directions...


Colca Canyon Trip Report

The following Colca Canyon trip report is a guest post by Jo Self I have never been afraid of heights Falling off of them, yes; just looking over a rail at say, the Empire State Building, where there’s absolutely no chance...

El Anticuario antiques store in Arequipa,

El Anticuario and the Antiques of Arequipa

Quick Tip:  If travelling to or from Lima Airport, it is strongly recommended to use the luxury Airport Express Lima  bus to get to or from your hotel Safer and cheaper than a taxi with no baggage limit as well as Free...

Arequipa Volcano With Church

El Misti: How to Conquer The Iconic Arequipa Volcano

The most prominent feature of the landscape of Arequipa is undoubtedly the surrounding volcanoes (Misti, Mount Chachani and Pichu Pichu Peak) The most well-known Arequipa volcano is Misti, which sits at 5,825m above sea level, in...

Peru Travel Itinerary - Top 3

Peru Travel Itinerary – Our Top 3 Picks for 2024

So, you’re planning a trip to the mystical country of Peru For those who want to discover the best of this wonderful country, we’ve put together the 3 best travel routes, with different itineraries so you can find the perfect...