Ceviche and chicharrón de doncella combo at El Rincon de Panchito

Recommended Restaurants in Iquitos

If you’re one of those culinary traveler types -- or if you just like eating well -- then you’ll have a good time exploring the restaurants of Iquitos It can be an expensive city for food and drink, due to both its isolated...

how to peru food

Recommended Restaurants in Trujillo, Peru

Trujillo is a great city for food, be it freshly caught seafood, a goat straight from the farm or a duck recently plucked from, well, wherever ducks hang out in Trujillo This list of my -- and hopefully your -- recommended...

picarones traditional peruvian dessert

The 5 Most Popular Peruvian Desserts

This list of the 5 most popular Peruvian desserts will show you why Peruvian cuisine has been recently making a name for itself as one of the world’s top cuisines, with restaurants opening in many cities internationally and...

Ají mirasol

The 6 Most Important Ají Chili Peppers in Peruvian Cuisine

Peruvian cuisine is based on a history of peppers: ajís hot and mild; vibrant and subtle; of various colors; bulbous or the size of a fingernail Images of these peppers decorate the textiles and ceramics of coastal pre-Colombian...

Tragos regionales

The Alcoholic Aphrodisiacs of the Peruvian Jungle

Beer is king in the heat of the Peruvian jungle, where chilled bottles of Cristal, Cusqueña and Pilsen Callao help to quench thirst and fuel parties in cities like Pucallpa, Tarapoto and Iquitos But beer isn’t the only...