From Arequipa | How to Peru

From Arequipa

Discover all of the information you need to know about buses from Arequipa including Bus routes, the Best Bus Companies to take and more below with our helpful guide.

peru hop bus
 Buses from Arequipa operate in all directions. Going North, buses from Arequipa include Arequipa to Lima, Arequipa to Nazca, Arequipa to Huacachina and Arequipa to Paracas. Going South, buses from Arequipa include Arequipa to Puno and Arequipa to Cusco.

Below is a list of the main bus routes from Arequipa and their schedules. For more information about any specific route, click more details where you will find specific information regarding the route, the best bus companies and what to look out for when choosing what bus company, you will travel with.

ToDurationBest Bus CompaniesMore Information
17 hoursPeru Hop, Cruz del SurArequipa to Lima
ArequipaParacas12 hoursOltursa, Peru Hop Arequipa to Paracas
ArequipaHuacachina11 hoursPeru Hop, Oltursa Arequipa to Huacachina
ArequipaIca11 hoursPeru Hop, Cruz del SurArequipa to Ica
ArequipaNazca8 hoursCiva, Cruz del Sur Arequipa to Nazca
ArequipaCusco9 hoursCruz del Sur, Peru HopArequipa to Cusco
ArequipaPuno 6 hoursPeru Hop, CivaArequipa to Puno
ArequipaLa Paz10 hoursPeru Hop, Trans- SalvadorArequipa to La Paz

As noted above, buses from Arequipa operate in all directions. For any trip to Peru, it is highly recommended that you visit places like Huacachina Oasis, Paracas and Puno (home of Lake Titicaca). There is much more to Peru than just Machu Picchu, so bus travel is a great way to see this amazing country.

Simply choose the best bus company and enjoy this amazing country!

Quick Tip:  If traveling to or from Lima Airport, it is strongly recommended to use the luxury Airport Express Lima  bus to get to or from your hotel. Safer and cheaper than a taxi with no baggage limit as well as Free WiFi and USB chargers onboard, it is ideal for travelers.

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