Translate English Words to Spanish in Real Time Online | How to Peru

Translate English Words to Spanish in Real Time Online

Translating English to Spanish online may not be particularly helpful as far as day-to-day, in-the-moment language barriers in Peru are concerned. But if you need some information translated quickly, or need to know a specific phrase in Spanish, you might want to remember Tradukka.


Translate English to Spanish in Real Time with Tradukka

English to Spanish Real Time Translation

Rather than describing this real time translation tool in depth, you may as well just take a look at Tradukka for yourself. There are plenty of free translation tools online, but the beauty of Tradukka is its simplicity.

The page is uncluttered so the tool is quick to load, and Peruvian internet connections can be mind numbingly slow at times, so you want something that won’t get bogged down. All you need to do is select your languages (English to Spanish or Spanish to English in this case) and away you go. Whatever you type in the left-hand window is translated in real time to the right.

Translate English Words to Spanish as You Type

No translation tool is perfect, but Tradukka generally does a good job.

Real time translation is the highlight of Tradukka. You can quite easily chat to a non-English speaker via MSN Messenger (or something similar) by typing into Tradukka first and then copying and pasting the translated text into Messenger.

Translating what the other person says could be a bit tricky, but ask them to type clearly and write words in full and it should work OK.

A Mobile Travel Translator for Peru Backpackers

Tradukka works on mobile devices (there’s an app, too), so if you are one of those technological backpackers and you have the right gadgets, your inability to learn Spanish may not be as restrictive as you thought. Until, of course, someone runs off with your phone or tablet, leaving you wondering how to shout “Stop thief!” in Spanish…


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