Best Peru Beer Poll | How to Peru

Best Peru Beer Poll

best-peruvian-beerPeru is definitely a beer drinking nation. According to the Euromonitor International Beer in Peru report, beer accounted for 95 percent of the total consumption of alcoholic drinks in Peru in 2010.

There’s no denying Peru’s beer drinking status, but the question remains: what is the best beer in Peru?

Best Beer in Peru: Cast Your Vote

Yep, think carefully, don’t act rashly, this is an important decision. You’ve got a few Peru beers to choose from, and you can only vote for one. There are some slightly obscure brands that haven’t made it onto the list, so if your favourite cerveza  isn’t included here you’ll have to voice your outrage in the comments section below. 7 of the beers are Backus brands – that’s kind of unavoidable as Backus has a real monopoly when it comes to Peruvian beer.

Personally, I’m voting for Pilsen Callao. I like Cusqueña when it’s icy cold, but the flavour seems to decline rapidly as soon as it begins to lose its chill. Anyway, without further ado, it’s time to vote…


And the Best of the Dark Peru Beers?

According to the  Beer in Peru report, dark beer consumption represented only 1 percent of total beer consumption in terms of volume during 2010. They may not be popular, but they are kind of interesting.

To be honest, I’m not too familiar with the range of dark beers available in Peru. Pilsen Polar (formerly Malta Polar) and Cusqueña Malta are the only two I know, so your choices are kind of limited here. Once again, I’m voting for Pilsen. I was unimpressed with Cusqueña Malta but pleasantly surprised (in comparison) by Pilsen Polar.

That said, I’m no dark beer expert so I’ll let you decide…

ENTERTAINMENT TIP: If looking for fun at night, or to watch sports during the day, or even a taste of home, visit the Wild Rover Hostels Chain for great food, sports and beer! Entrance to their bars is free even for non-guests


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